internal family systems therapy - prepare for what to expect in therapy

How to Prepare for the First Therapy Session and What to Expect

Natalie Buchwald, LMHCTherapy

By Natalie Buchwald, LMHC | Last Updated: June 19th, 2024
Reviewed by Steven Buchwald

Starting therapy is a courageous step toward self-care, personal growth and greater wellbeing. However, it’s perfectly natural to feel nervous or apprehensive before your first therapy appointment. Concerns about what to discuss, facing the unknown, or changing your current routines can certainly give you cold feet.

This guide will help you prepare for the first therapy session, outlining what to expect and how to navigate it effectively:

Why the First Session Matters

prepare first session therapy
  • Foundation for a Safe Space: The first session sets the tone for your therapeutic relationship. You and your therapist will build a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself.
  • Initial Assessment: Your therapist will listen closely to understand your background, concerns, and goals. This helps them tailor an effective treatment plan that aligns with your unique needs.
  • Expectation Setting: The first session is an opportunity for you and your therapist to establish clear expectations. You will explore the scope of therapy, set realistic timelines for progress, and discuss the practice’s policies. It’s important to understand that therapy is a process that unfolds over time; there are no quick fixes for deep-seated issues. Through continued participation and commitment, you’ll gradually work towards overcoming challenges and improving your wellbeing, setting the stage for a future where you thrive.
  • Addressing Fears: Your first therapy session is a safe, private space to express any anxieties or concerns about beginning this journey. It’s completely normal to feel apprehensive—many experience cold feet when facing the prospect of change. However, remember that your therapist is there to support you, not to rush you. They will help you navigate this process at a pace that feels right, ensuring that your decisions are made with awareness and care. Good therapist will meet you exactly where you are, personalizing the pace of progress so that it feels right for you, fostering a nurturing environment where you can grow at your own pace.

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Prepare for the First Therapy Session: Insights and Practical Advice

  • Address the Unknown: Share your apprehensions about therapy openly. A good therapist will meet you where you are, without pressure or judgment.
  • Understanding Your Therapist’s Role: Your therapist serves as a guide, not a judge. Mental health professionals are committed to helping you navigate your inner conflicts and reach your life goals. Acting as a confidential sounding board, they provide a safe space for you to express your true feelings and assess your well-being. With compassion and expertise, they assist you in uncovering insights and developing strategies that support you.
  • Reflect on What No Longer Works: People tend come to therapy because something in their life is no longer working, and they’re ready for a change. Ask yourself: What isn’t working for me anymore? What am I ready to let go of? What would I need to change to have a fulfilling life that excites me? Get clear on your most important objectives and what you want to achieve in therapy.
  • Expect Thorough Background Questions: Before therapy can effectively start, your therapist needs to gain a deep understanding of who you are,  including your family history, medical history, and clinical history. Be prepared for a comprehensive exploration of your background—this is essential for your therapist to grasp where you’re coming from. The initial sessions typically focus on gathering this information, setting the stage for future sessions where the real work of exploring your thoughts and feelings can truly begin.
  • It’s Okay to Feel Emotional: Emotions may arise as you start sharing your story. Allow yourself to express those feelings in the session.
  • Discuss Logistical Details: Understand confidentiality, frequency of sessions, appointment time, fees, and cancellation policies. Sessions are usually scheduled once a week at the same time, allowing you to develop a consistent introspective routine. This regularity not only helps in maintaining momentum but also ensures that you feel supported as you progress through your therapeutic journey.
  • Your Goals Matter: It’s essential to discuss your aspirations for therapy. Even if you’re still figuring out your specific therapy goals, sharing your initial thoughts and hopes can greatly assist your therapist in providing effective support. This conversation helps tailor the therapeutic process to address your unique needs and desired outcomes.
  • Commit to the Process: Therapy is a journey that demands both time and trust. While the initial sessions may not provide immediate clarity, they mark the beginning of a meaningful path. This process is about gradually aligning where you are with where you aspire to be. It’s important to stay engaged and patient, as personal growth unfolds at its own pace.
  • Show Up: Consistent attendance is not merely a routine; it’s a vital component of your therapeutic success. Regular participation lays the groundwork for all progress in therapy. There will be days when the thought of attending a session might feel daunting or uncomfortable. On these days, we encourage you to muster your courage and openly share these feelings during your sessions. Voicing the uncomfortable feelings can be incredibly freeing and often leads to significant personal breakthroughs. Committing to showing up, especially on challenging days, advances your journey toward self-discovery and wellbeing. Therapy is your personal space to delve into and understand your deepest thoughts and emotions, fostering true growth and transformation. The more consistently you engage in therapy, the more naturally you connect with your inner self, enhancing your self-awareness and emotional clarity.
  • Finding the Right Therapeutic Match: When starting therapy, it’s important to allow for an initial adjustment period of 3-5 sessions. This time helps you get a feel for your therapist’s counseling style and determine if it aligns with what you need for successful therapy. Building a strong therapeutic alliance—an essential component of effective therapy—is key. You should feel comfortable and supported in your therapist’s care. If, after giving it some time, you feel that the connection isn’t quite right, don’t worry. Please contact our office, and we will gladly help you connect with another therapist whose approach and type of therapy might better suit your needs. We are here to ensure that you feel confident and cared for on your journey to mental wellness.
  • When in Doubt, Just Ask: Feel encouraged to ask your therapist questions during your counseling sessions—there are no wrong questions. Your therapist is there to explain every aspect of the therapy process and ensure you understand their therapeutic approach fully. If any part of your therapy experience is unclear or if sensitive topics and difficult emotions arise, don’t hesitate to speak up. Actively engaging with your therapist by asking questions not only makes your sessions more effective but also ensures they are aligned with your personal goals. Open communication is key to navigating your mental health journey confidently. Take charge and make the most of your therapy by addressing all your concerns.

Final Thoughts

Starting therapy is a brave act of self-care and self-love. Celebrate your courage in seeking support. Trust that our licensed therapists are there to guide you toward achieving your goals for therapy. Remember, the first session is merely the beginning of a journey toward personal growth, deeper insight, and greater wellbeing. This path, while challenging, is a powerful step towards a more fulfilling life.

Are you ready to take the next step towards better mental health? At Manhattan Mental Health Counseling, we specialize in online therapy, providing flexible and accessible options that fit your lifestyle and needs. Whether you’re addressing a specific mental health condition or seeking general guidance, our experienced therapists are equipped to support you. We also accept various health insurance plans, including Aetna, Cigna, Healthfirst, United Healthcare, Molina and Affinity to make our services both affordable and accessible.

Take action today for a healthier tomorrow. Reach out to us at 212-960-8626 or complete our contact form to schedule your first session. Let us help you navigate your path to wellness with high-quality, compassionate care through our convenient online therapy services. Your journey to better mental health starts here.

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