a man and a women talking to their therapists. one therapist has her notes on her lap.
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If you are looking for a

Molina Healthcare therapist near you in New York

, you have come to the right place.
Older woman talking to 2 adults (a man and a woman) during a therapy sessiona man and woman with crossed hands sitting on a couch during a therapy sessionthe back of a therapists head in the foreground with a man and woman sitting on a couch across from her during a therapy session

Find Molina Healthcare Therapists Near You

If you are looking for a Molina Healthcare therapist near you in New York, you have come to the right place.

If you are looking for a Molina Healthcare therapist near you in New York, you have come to the right place. Our Molina mental health providers are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to help you deal with a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, and relationship problems.

Not all Molina Healthcare Therapists near you will be a good fit for your needs. It may take some time and effort to find the right therapist who you feel comfortable working with. Don't be afraid to ask questions and explore different options until you find a supportive therapist that is right for you.

We provide mental health counseling services that accept Molina Healthcare (Molina Medicaid).

Is There A Limit To The Number of Therapy Sessions?

Molina Healthcare insurance have no limit on the number of therapy sessions you can have

It allows you to see a Molina Healthcare therapist in NYC (one in-network with Molina Healthcare) on a weekly basis. As long as your Molina Healthcare coverage is active and there is a medically necessary reason for your sessions.
a collage of four friends laughing on sunset and a lady leaning towards a window with her hand on her forehead

What Mental Illnesses does Molina Healthcare cover?

a group of 6 men and 2 women sitting on a table with their laptops and tablets. one woman and one man shaking hands.young adults posing on a staircase and in front of a brass floor lamp

Molina Healthcare’s mental health coverage encompasses a broad spectrum of mental illnesses as part of its mental health benefits. Molina Healthcare generally provides coverage for common mental health conditions and mood disorder such as:

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A substance use disorder is a mental health issue. It is characterized by excessive and compulsive use of substances like drugs or alcohol. It leads to negative consequences on physical, mental health and well-being.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental condition that can last from childhood into adulthood. It damages a person's ability to focus, regulate their behavior, and may cause hyperactivity.

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a collage of two images. first is two women sitting on a park. second is two women taking a selfie

Is Online Therapy covered by Molina Healthcare Insurance?

Yes, Molina Healthcare (Molina Medicaid) covers online therapy, which is often referred to as telehealth therapy. Molina is a Medicaid health insurance carrier

Therapists like ours, who accept Molina Healthcare, are known as Molina Healthcare in-network therapists.

You can choose online sessions as an alternative to in-person office visits for managing your mental health and well-being.

Molina Healthcare counselors recognize the significance of mental health issues and the impact it has on individuals, families, and the broader community.

Our Molina Healthcare therapists facilitate online sessions, making therapy conveniently accessible to individuals with busy lifestyles.

How Do Individuals Benefit From Choosing Molina Healthcare Therapists?

a collage of two pictures. first is two ladies sitting on a couch and talking to each other. second is a picture of two hands reaching each other

Molina Healthcare Therapists in New York state offer a range of benefits to individuals seeking mental health services. These benefits include:

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Access to a Diverse Network: There is an extensive network of therapists that take Molina Healthcare. This ensures individuals have access to a wide range of mental health professionals. It gives people the ability to locate a therapist who aligns with their unique needs and preferences.

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Supportive Guidance and Empowerment: Molina Healthcare counselors provide supportive guidance and play an active role in aiding their clients toward better mental health outcomes.

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Insurance Coverage: As a Medicaid plan, Molina Healthcare's mental health coverage plans may shoulder a portion or even the full cost of therapy. This substantially alleviates the financial strain of therapy, thereby enhancing the accessibility and affordability of mental health care for individuals seeking to better their well-being.

group of young adults sitting on blanket on a grassy field with a guitar and smiling man covering his face with his hand and laughing man sitting inside of a cave looking out into the sun with a mountain backdrop

How Much does therapy cost with Molina Healthcare?

Currently, counseling sessions with Molina Healthcare are offered at no cost to the the Molina Healthcare member for outpatient behavioral health. This means there are no copays or deductibles required for therapy sessions

How to Find A Molina Healthcare Therapist?

To find a therapist within the Molina behavioral health network, you can follow these steps:

  • Step 01

    Visit the Molina website

  • Step 2

    Navigate to the "Find a Doctor" section

    On the Molina website. This is typically located in the main menu or in the header/footer section.
    Choose your plan:If you have a specific Molina Healthcare plan, select it from the available options. This ensures that you find a Molina Healthcare therapist within your network and is covered by the insurance company.

  • Step 3

    Select "Behavioral Health" or "Mental Health":

    Look for a category or filter that allows you to specify your search. This will help you narrow down the results to therapists.

  • Step 4

    Enter your location

    Provide your ZIP code or city name to find therapists who accept Molina near your area. You may also have the option to search within a certain radius.

  • Step 5

    Choose a specialty

    Specify the type of therapist you're looking for, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or social worker. You can also select specific areas of expertise if you have particular needs.

  • Step 6

    Review the results

    After you've entered your search criteria, the website will display a list of therapists who meet your specifications. Take your time to review their profiles, including their credentials, experience, and any patient reviews available.

  • Step 7

    Contact the therapist

    After identifying a therapist who appears to be a good fit for your needs, jot down their contact details. Your next step is to contact them to inquire about their availability and proceed with scheduling an appointment.

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Young Woman calling someone on a cell phone and gazing into the distance

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